Let’s Do Digital Events

24th October 2024

Let’s Talk Digital Conference

6th November 2024

Programming in Healthcare - Module 2 - evening

Previous events

July 2022

July 2022 Quarterly meeting

October 2022

October 2022 Quarterly meeting

13th June 2024

Ask a Clinician - Insights from a medic

27th June 2024

Programming in Healthcare - Module 1

3rd July 2024

Programming in Healthcare - Module 1- Evening course

16th of July 2024

Frontline Insights - Streamlining sleep services and automating outpatient clinic preparation

25th July 2024

Ask a Clinician - Insights from a vascular surgeon

1st August 2024

Ask a Clinician - Insights from a CCIO and pharmacist

22nd August 2024

Programming in Healthcare - Module 2

29th August 2024

Programming in Healthcare - Module 0

5th September 2024

Ask someone in digital - Confidentiality, Trust and Usability - Are we ready to erode patient trust for streamlined digital health care?

11th September 2024

Programming in Healthcare - Module 0 - evening

12th September 2024

Digital Clinical Safety Platform (DCSP) webinar

13th September 2024

Ask a Clinician - Insights from two GPs