Frontline Insights - episode 1

Streamlining sleep services and automating outpatient clinic preparation

We have a very exciting webinar ready and waiting for you, especially for those computer geeks out there!

A toy robot with a clock as its thorax

In this first of many webinars from the Frontline Insights series from the Let’s Do Digital team, we are excited to hear from Andrew Simpson, Clinical Scientist at South Tees Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and Sam McInerney, Oncology registrar at the Beatson Cancer Centre and founder of

Andrew will show us how Internet of Things (IoT), blood sweat and tears and a department that is open to innovation brought together both hardware and software to automate the heavy workload at the sleep department in South Tees.

Sam will give us the low down on how he successfully used robotic process automation to streamline the detailed clinic preparation that is required of oncology clinic outpatients.

Andrew is a HCPC registered Clinical Scientist in Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering, specialising in Clinical Measurement, Clinical Engineering & Computing. Andrew has implemented an array of digital solutions to improve healthcare management. Andrew is also the British Computer Society Teesside and District Branch Chair.

Sam is the founder of, a very interesting and informative blog series. He is an up and coming clinician-who-codes, and uses his dual speciality skills to improve the care he gives as a oncology registrar in Scotland.

Webinar structure

picture of Ramon Hanna in a circle
Chair: Remon Hanna, Doctor & Head of data @ MedTech
picture of Andrew Simpson in a circle
Speaker: Andrew Simpson, Clinical Scientist, South Tees Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
picture of Ramandeep Kaur in a circle
Speaker: Sam McInerney Beatson Cancer Centre and founder of,

Two 20 minute presentations followed by a Q&A.

When and where

YouTube streaming, 2-3pm, on Tuesday the 16th of July.

Tickets and coffees

Ticket sales are now closed.

You can watch the recording here.


Have questions about the course or anything else Let’s Do Digital related, email us at