Programming in Healthcare - Module 2 - evening

Wednesday 6th November, 7-10 pm

The words Lets learn code module 2 on the page of a book and some glasses

You now have the basics from Module 1. Time to progress your programming skills. In this evening session module we get you to build a digital consent form. It is not as hard as it sounds. We will take you through how to process map a current paper based consent form, and then create a process map for a much better (and faster) digital form. We small group teaching with tutors to help you through each step of the building and learning process.

Course structure

We will have a mixture of presentations to introduce you to the topics of the module followed by hands on sessions, getting you coding straight away. We will have break out rooms for the hands on coding sessions, with around 4 students per tutor.

When and where

Online, Wednesday 6th November, 7-10 pm, on Zoom.

Topics covered

Moving to slightly more advanced programming skills, but with very much small group teaching the whole way with well paced hands on sessions, topics you will learning include:

  • Process mapping
  • Web app architecture
  • Frontend and backend design
  • Use of more advanced python code

Purchase tickets


Have questions about the course or anything else Let’s Do Digital related, email us at