Msc in health tech underway


Mark Bailey


September 16, 2022

Someone holding a graduation cap

I have just had a fantastic meeting with my colleagues at Gloucestershire University. We have been lucky enough to have 5 new MSc students join the University to study by research the new health tech course. This is very exciting news, and I look forward to hearing about their work soon. Interesting areas they will cover include:

I look forward to talking more with the students and for people to hear more about their amazing work. I hope to get some, if not all, of the students to the next Let’s Do Digital quarterly meeting in Feb/March 2023.

Want to get involved, find out more about the MSc in Health Tech or even apply for the MSc, please contact Thiago Viana at

Update 05/05/2024: Thiago Viana no longer works at Gloucestershire University.