Process mapping - lesson 1

Module 2

Let’s Do Digital Team

What is process mapping?

  • Can be undertaking in a very elaborate and complicated fashion.
  • However, at its core, you draw a flow chart that describes a process, either current, or a new one imagined.
Process map of how to use a tooth brush

Why do process mapping?

  • Can be used to excess and badly!
  • But, it is a good tool to help think about the current problem and to help explain the current issues.
  • Can help you form your new process. It can also give you a step by step guide to building your new digital implementation.
  • However, beware, digitising a bad process does not suddenly make a process better!

Where do process mapping?

  • You can do this on paper.
  • Today, we will be using an online process mapping program called ‘Moqups’.

Lesson 1 - process mapping

  • Go join your break out group.
  • Once there you will be given a link to an online process mapping program called Moqups.
  • Your tutor will show you how to use Moqups to create your process maps.


  • Choose one person in your group to create your process map.
  • Spend 10 minutes in your group to create a process map of current paper based consent forms.
  • Then spend another 10 minutes to think of the best digital consent form you would want and create a process map to describe how it would work.
  • We will then reconvene at half past and talk through your results.