Let’s Talk Digital Conference - 2024

Watch the recordings
Many thanks for those that joined us live in person and online. We have recorded the sessions from this conference which can be accessed on the YouTube playlist here. The video posters (Vosters) can be viewed from the same playlist.
What is Let’s Talk Digital?
This year’s key theme is open. That is open source, open standards, open learning and open data. But we are not talking socks, sandles and hippee like outfits. We are talking linux, internet and best solutions for an ever growing array of digital technologies used across the NHS and further a field. And we are looking for innovation at the clinical frontline. Please do join us either in person or virtually for a jam packed event on Thursday the 24th of October 2024 at Cheltenham General Hospital. This will be a great event for networking, collaborating and working with like minded people in digital healthcare.
Line up
We have a fantastic line up of speakers and chairs for you, providing you with a range of exciting and educational case studies and manifestos. We have people from NHS England, ICBs, patient representatives, those in training, and hard working people in front line digital implementation. For a full list of our speakers and chairs, please see the agenda.
Feedback from last year’s conference
What did you enjoy about the conference?
- The openness of the people talking about real problems and trying to address them.
- There was a good variety in topics and speakers. I liked hearing about real people who took an idea and built a product or implemented a change.
- The live feed worked really well. It was engaging and it helped me feel part of the conference despite attending virtually. Thanks to the team that made it happen.
- Really great chance to introduce myself to a new group of like-minded people, as I start out in a new direction in my career. Lively and enlightening debate session and follow-up discussion.
Tell us one thing you learnt or took away from the conference?
- The importance of the collaborative approach to developing apps and systems, having system coders and clinical staff (and end users too) both providing their particular expertise to the task is vital for accuracy and useability, and all having a mutual respect for each other’s skills.
- There are good ways and less good ways to innovate. The challenge is differentiating them and meetings where a frank and open discourse can occur are essential for this.
- Getting patient participation is very valuable, and can help develop the system/process.
View the abstracts
This year we have asked our abstract authors to provide a short video to accompany their abstract. Think of these as Vosters
(video posters). You can view these on the 2024 conference playlist.
Want to give a presentation?
This year’s agenda is now full. If you wish to present at future conferences, then please email info@letsdodigital.org.
If you wish to sponsor the event, please review our sponsorship packages here or email info@letsdodigital.org.